Incentive Tourism

The modern tourist industry is one of the largest, highly profitable, and most dynamically developing branches of the world economy. Tourism, as a service sector, is a significant tool for the redistribution of national income within the country, whi...

Thought and Religion in Early Korea

South Korea, a nation with a rich tapestry of history and modernity, is a fascinating study of contrasts and continuities. The Korean peninsula has long been a cradle of unique cultural developments, and nowhere is this more evident than in the realm...

Students’ Expectations of Postgraduate Counseling Course Compared to the Actuality: Perspectives of Current Students

The topic of students’ expectations versus the actual experience of postgraduate counseling courses is quite interesting and has been explored in various studies. For instance, a study on Turkish university students found that gender and previo...

Factors that Influence the Health of the Community

Introduction Community health is one of the most common concerns of governments and non-governmental organizations in the developed countries. The reason for this is that good health in a community is the success of a country in numerous spheres, wh...

The ILO and the Migrant Workers

Nowadays, society is the witness of the dramatic changes in the organization of work. It is impossible to remain indifferent to this subject because there is a change in the thinking of society, in its needs and priorities. Therefore, the principles ...