Free «General Role of the Advanced Nurse Professional» Essay Sample

Currently, residing Latinos represent the largest and fastest growing minority population group in the United States. Therefore, there is a need to maximize the nurses’ awareness of Hispanic community culture and constructed perceptions of illness and health. Additionally, the Hispanic community in the U.S. experiences serious health disparities. For instance, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) ranks Hispanic women as a group that is medically underserved and lacks access to preventive health care as well as health education; thus, leading to a substantially higher prevalence of disease when compared to non-Hispanic whites. Amidst these disparities, advanced nurse practitioners (ANPs) play a significant role in improving health outcomes and ensuring that the Hispanic community has an access to providing health services. The current paper will explore the general role of advanced nurse professional in the USA public health system with regards to the health of Hispanic community. ANPs are highly skilled nurses who have obtained advanced educational degrees and clinical training.

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ANPs provide a wide range of services, including:

Diagnosing health conditions ANPs can assess patients and diagnose various health issues.
Conducting check-ups They perform routine examinations and monitor patients’ health.
Prescribing medications ANPs have the authority to prescribe medications and other treatments.
Referring patients to specialists When necessary, they can refer patients to other healthcare professionals.
Managing patient care They plan and implement care strategies for patients with complex needs.
Utilizing advanced skills ANPs may perform procedures and skills traditionally associated with physicians.
Engaging in continuous education To stay current with medical advancements, ANPs engage in lifelong learning.

Their role is essential in bridging the gap between nurses and doctors, providing high-quality care, and improving patient outcomes. ANPs work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, and community health organizations, adapting their practice to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare system.

Role of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Advanced Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse having clinical competencies needed for an expanded practice role, complex decision-making skills, and expert knowledge base (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). The ever-changing providing health requirements of the Hispanic population together with the challenges it presents continue to develop the role of the nurse in the U.S. (Furlong & Smith, 2005). Some of these developments affecting the role of ANPs include rising costs and incompetent health systems, rising development of new treatments and health technologies, increasing demand by the public, increase occurrence and incidence of enduring conditions thus isolation, and the aging population. Nonetheless, nurses have been responding to the needs pertaining primary care and their clients, hence developing and improving their roles (Sheer & Wong, 2008). Advanced Practice Registered Nurses play a fundamental role in the future of health care irrespective of their specialization such as midwife nurse, anesthetist nurse, clinical nurse specialist, and nurse practitioners (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). In addition, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses are considered the primary care givers, being on the lead of providing preventative care to the public (Furlong & Smith, 2005). Overall, the role of APRNs is constantly expanding to satisfy the changes occurring in the healthcare sector. Importantly, APRNs are involved in offering preventive care.

Here’s a list highlighting the role of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP):

  • Health Care: ANPs are pivotal in delivering comprehensive health care services, from preventive care to managing chronic conditions.
  • Advanced Nurse: As advanced nurses, they have a higher level of training and education, enabling them to perform complex clinical tasks.
  • Advanced Practice: Their advanced practice skills allow them to diagnose and treat illnesses, often with a degree of autonomy.
  • Nurse Practitioner: As advanced nurse practitioners, they often serve as primary care providers, focusing on patient-centered care.
  • Advanced Practice Registered: ANPs are advanced practice registered nurses, which means they are registered nurses with advanced education and clinical experience.
  • Advanced Nurse Practitioner: The role of the advanced nurse practitioner encompasses leadership in nursing, education, and policy-making to improve providing health systems.

APRN can offer healthcare services to individuals regardless of their age in long term, acute, and ambulatory or/and primary settings (Furlong & Smith, 2005). The APRN practices are shaped by their scope of practice based on the guidelines recognized by the national certifying bodies, and their educational background (Sheer & Wong, 2008). They include American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and American Nurses Credentialing Center (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). In the U.S., an APRN is allowed to practice independently to offer a wide range of providing health services to the patients from diverse cultural backgrounds and age groups. These health functions include undertaking a sophisticated and comprehensive mental and physical assessment of patients with complex health status (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010); providing and planning competent and skilled care to meet patient’s social and primary care needs involving other appropriate health care team members (Furlong & Smith, 2005); and interpreting results of various investigations and assessments to make a plan, diagnosis, and deliver professional care (Sheer & Wong, 2008). APRNs also work independently although as part of a multi-disciplinary team and implement value-based leadership (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). Moreover, the role of APRNs includes prescribing and working with patients to manage their medicines. In addition, ARPNs utilize therapies like cognition behavioral therapy while working with patients with mental health conditions whether associated and/or isolated with a physical longstanding condition (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). Besides, APRNs practicing in the U.S. might competently and/or confidently make evidence based decisions, interventions, and manage the risk accompanying these decisions (Furlong & Smith, 2005).

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Role of ANP in Hispanic Community Health

It is the ANP’s duty to provide culturally-sensitive care to Hispanic community (Hunt, 2009). The health care practitioners might mediate with the patients of Hispanic community in a culturally sensitive manner like including the community in preventive primary care programs, observing culture as an enabler and not resistant force, ensuring pleasant conversation without criticism, and incorporating cultural beliefs into the plans of care. In order to realize the cultural-sensitive care, knowledgeable care givers with Hispanic language, beliefs, customs, and culture are required in their practice locale (Hunt, 2009).

The Role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) in Hispanic Community Health

  • Cultural Sensitivity: ANPs provide culturally sensitive care, understanding the unique health beliefs and practices within the Hispanic community.
  • Health Promotion: They engage in health promotion activities, focusing on disease prevention and healthy lifestyle choices specific to the Hispanic population.
  • Access to Care: ANPs work to improve access to health care for Hispanic individuals, often facing barriers such as language and immigration status.
  • Chronic Disease Management: They play a significant role in managing chronic diseases, which are prevalent in the Hispanic community, through patient education and tailored care plans.
  • Community Engagement: advanced nurse practitioners are involved in community outreach programs to educate and empower the Hispanic population about their health.
  • Research and Advocacy: They contribute to research on Hispanic health issues and advocate for policies that address the health disparities affecting this community.
  • Healthcare Navigation: ANPs assist Hispanic patients in navigating the healthcare system, which can be complex and challenging for those with limited English proficiency or health literacy.

The increasing Hispanic population requires active and alert health care practitioners who will ensure easy access to primary care services (Furlong & Smith, 2005). Moreover, a nurse entrusted with the care of patients and their families should familiarize the importance and value of delivering culturally appropriate care (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). A growing need for nurses to recognize the cultural phenomena of Hispanic population enables culturally competent and appropriate nursing care (Hunt, 2009). However, distinctive variances might occur in a cultural group, thus, acquiring a baseline understanding associated with a specific culture may help a nurse to develop cultural competence (Sheer & Wong, 2008). For instance, when a nurse constantly struggles to efficiently provide care within the cultural context of community, family, and patient through pursuing cultural skills, understanding, knowledge, and awareness, he/she is considered culturally competent (Furlong & Smith, 2005).

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Health Care Reform and Its Impact on APRNs

The landscape of health care is continually evolving, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are at the heart of this transformation. The introduction of health care reform, particularly through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), has significantly influenced the roles and responsibilities of APRNs. These changes aim to address the challenges of an overburdened preventive care system, improve access to care, and promote the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective services. As we explore the impact of health care reform on APRNs, it’s essential to understand how these legislative changes have expanded their scope of practice, enhanced their autonomy, and underscored their importance in providing comprehensive preventive care services to diverse populations.

Effects of Health Care Reform on the Practice and Potential of APRNs in the Modern Health Care Environment

Expanded Access to Care The ACA has expanded health insurance coverage, allowing more patients to access APRN services.
Full Practice Authority Some states have passed legislation granting APRNs full practice authority, enhancing their ability to serve patients independently.
Preventive Care Services APRNs are at the forefront of providing preventive care services, which are emphasized under the ACA.
Scope of Practice Health care reform has led to ongoing discussions about the scope of practice for APRNs, aiming to maximize their contributions to patient care.
Quality of Care The ACA encourages high-quality care, which APRNs are well-positioned to deliver due to their advanced training and patient-centered approach.
Cost-Effectiveness APRNs provide cost-effective care, which aligns with the ACA’s goals of reducing preventive care expenses and improving value.
Educational Advancement The reform has highlighted the need for continuous education among APRNs to stay abreast of changes and advancements in health care.

These points illustrate how health care reform has both challenged and provided opportunities for APRNs to enhance their role in the evolving preventive care system.

How Do I Become An Advanced Nurse Practitioner?

Embarking on the journey to become an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is a commitment to advancing one’s nursing career and expanding the scope of practice within the health care system. This path not only elevates the level of care provided to patients but also opens up new opportunities for leadership, education, and specialization. As the demand for highly skilled and educated nursing professionals continues to grow, understanding the steps to achieve the ANP designation is crucial for those aspiring to reach the pinnacle of nursing practice.

Professional Milestones Necessary to Become an Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Health Care Foundation Begin with a solid foundation in health care by obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree and gaining experience as a Registered Nurse (RN).
Advanced Nurse Education Pursue advanced education by enrolling in a graduate program, such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), to become an ANP.
Advanced Practice Specialization Choose a specialization within advanced practice nursing, such as Family Nurse, Adult-Gerontology, or Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner Certification After completing your graduate degree, obtain national certification in your chosen specialty area to become a certified nurse practitioner.
Advanced Practice Registered Licensure Secure state licensure to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse. Requirements can vary by state, so it’s important to understand the specific criteria for where you intend to practice.
The Advanced Nurse Experience Gain clinical experience in your specialty area to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for the advanced nurse role.
ANP Role Finally, as an advanced nurse practitioner, you’ll have the opportunity to provide comprehensive care, prescribe medications, and work autonomously or in collaboration with other providing health professionals.

Remember, continuous professional development and staying updated with the latest health care practices are essential for maintaining competency as an ANP.


From the discussion, it is evident that ARPNs play an important role in the U.S. healthcare system, especially amidst the developments that are being witnessed in the sector. Their main role entails providing preventive healthcare services to people from diverse cultural backgrounds regardless of their age. With respect to the roles of APRNs in the Hispanic community, they are tasked with offering culturally-sensitive healthcare to this population. It requires nurses to be aware and understand how Hispanic culture affects healthcare delivery and use these aspects to ensure that they deliver care that is culturally appropriate.

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In conclusion, the advent of primary care reform, particularly through the ACA, has been a catalyst for significant changes in the field of nursing. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) have been at the forefront of this transformation, embracing expanded roles and responsibilities. The reform has underscored the value of APRNs in providing accessible, high-quality, and cost-effective primary care services. It has also highlighted the necessity for APRNs to adapt to an ever-changing health care landscape through continuous education and practice authority. As the providing health system strives to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, APRNs will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of health care delivery. Their contribution is not just a response to legislative changes but a stride towards a more equitable and efficient health care system for all.

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