Free «Google: Motivation and Performance Management» Essay Sample

Nowadays, the successful development of any organization is directly related to the efficient HR policy. In fact, the key HR tasks within the organization are based on the desire of the company to ensure the compliance of staff requirements with the conditions of the modern business environment, preventing the brain drain, improving the incentives for hired personnel as well as strengthening the staff a sense of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The modern human resource management focuses on the contribution of the satisfied personnel to the achievement of the corporate goals. It means that the HR-concepts are based not only on the main principles of management, but also on the concept of the constant personality development. Contrary to the strict regulations of the existing procedures of interaction with employees there came the atmosphere of cooperation, where the significant attention is paid to the staff involvement into the achievement of business goals. The mentioned above statement proves that the personnel is viewed as the key resource and social value of the organization (Conaty & Ram, 2011). It means that the staff with its needs, motivations, values, attitudes can be viewed as the key subject of management. Thus, the following paper is aimed to provide the overview of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment within Google Inc., one of the world’s largest IT companies.

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How Google Motivates its Employees?

Google Inc. excels in performance management, fostering high levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The company’s approach includes:

  • Performance Management
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Organizational Commitment
  • Satisfaction and Organizational Culture

Google’s practices demonstrate the importance of integrating performance management with motivation and organizational commitment to create a thriving workplace.

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Google Inc. integrates performance management with job satisfaction to enhance organizational commitment. Here’s how these elements interplay: 

Mission and Values

Google’s mission to improve the lives of as many people as possible, and its values centered around user safety, privacy, and accessibility, foster a sense of purpose among employees.

Performance Management

Google’s performance management system is a cornerstone of its success, ensuring that employees’ achievements and behaviors align with the company’s goals. This system is pivotal in fostering motivation and organizational commitment.

Job Satisfaction

At Google, job satisfaction is not just about the work itself but also the environment in which it’s done. The company’s culture, benefits, and opportunities for personal growth all contribute to a high level of job commitment.

Organizational Commitment

Google’s employees demonstrate a deep commitment to the organization, driven by a shared sense of purpose and the company’s investment in their well-being and professional development.

Tools Usage

For those seeking to understand or emulate Google’s approach, resources like PerformYard provide detailed insights into how performance management can drive job commitment.

Organizational Culture

The relationship between satisfaction and organizational culture at Google is symbiotic. The company’s supportive and inclusive culture promotes employee satisfaction, which in turn reinforces organizational commitment.

The employee identification is based on the pride of being the part of the Google team in the context of the organizational goals. It depends on the extent to which people are informed about the status of the organization and the prospects for meaningful solutions of the existing problems. It is about the way the employees see the unity of their personal goals and the objectives set by the company. They are proud by the fact of their work within the Google team; considering the fair assessment of their work in the organization.

In its turn, the employee involvement implies the desire to take the personal efforts to contribute as a member of the Google team to achieve the company’s goals. The organizational involvement encourages the incentives not limited to the job descriptions, self-esteem, based on the satisfaction of the professional achievements as well as the interest in achieving significant results for the organization and responsibility for the performance.

The employee loyalty is grounded on the emotional attachment to Google Inc. as well as the desire to remain its member. The dedication to the organization suggests the satisfaction with the content of the performed work within it, feeling the attention and care of the management policy as well as contentment with the career development.

Job satisfaction of Google employees is based on the set of the favorable feelings and emotions which they receive assessing the results of their performance (Mirani, 2013). The perception of the individual’s work is significantly affected by the internal organizational environment, i.e. the management, the nature of communication and internal company policies, processes, work schedule, working conditions and fringe benefits as well as group norms and the state of the market as a whole. The positive, constructive setting of the satisfied employees determines a human behavior at work, while the negative attitude leads to the undesirable behavior (irresponsibleness, reduced level of involvement in work, absenteeism, dismissal, theft, etc.).

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While analyzing job satisfaction of the workers, Frederick Herzberg defined two groups of factors which influence satisfaction rate, i.e. hygiene factors (responsible for the lack of frustration) and motivational factors (responsible for job satisfaction). The hygiene factors include the company policy, technical supervision (control), relationship with supervisor, relationships with colleagues, relations with subordinates, earnings, security and guarantee of work, personal and family life, working conditions and status. On the other hand, motivational factors involve achievements, recognition, work content, the possibility of creative growth and responsibility. According to Herzberg, the lack of hygiene factors leads to the dissatisfaction with the work, which consequently may badly influence the effectiveness of the employee performance. However, the efficient use of the motivators within the company HR policy can significantly improve the job rate.

Performance Management

In its HR policy, Google Inc. uses different principles of the performance management. The company views the personnel as an important value and strives to guarantee the most comfortable conditions of its performance. Google’s performance management system contributes to job satisfaction by recognizing and rewarding employees’ contributions, fostering a positive work environment. Through its performance management, Google nurtures a strong sense of organizational commitment by investing in employees’ personal and professional development. Google provides resources and support to help employees articulate their goals and achievements, reinforcing the link between performance management and job satisfaction. Google’s organizational culture is built on trust and transparency, which are integral to both job commitment. At Google, employee satisfaction derived from effective performance management is seen as a key driver of organizational success.

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As a result, Google Inc. uses the variety of hygiene and motivational factors to assure the high rate of job satisfaction and organizational commitment among its employees. In fact, it pays the employees the highest in the industry decent wage as well as cares about their health and advocates for healthy lifestyle (Chan, 2007). For instance, any employee can receive the qualified medical aid without leaving the office. Moreover, Google workers have medical and pension insurances. In addition, if one of the employees has bought the bike and rides it to work, the company will reimburse him half of the cost of the bicycle.

Speaking about professional growth, Google employees have the opportunity of free training in various courses. Besides, they can count on the compensation of funds spent on their professional development and education. It also should be noted that, the office interior provides the opportunity for the efficient work as well as is equipped with a large number of restrooms. Naturally, the company offers a free meal, the service of which differs within various offices. Thus, taking into account the salary rate as well as the wide bonus range and rewards system, one can consider Google Inc. as the perfect place to work at.

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How Does Google Handle Underperforming Employees?

At Google Inc., performance management is intricately linked with job and organizational commitment. The company’s performance management system is tailored to foster a work environment where employees feel valued and supported, leading to enhanced job satisfaction. This satisfaction, in turn, bolsters organizational commitment, as employees are more likely to be dedicated to a company that recognizes their efforts and contributes to their personal growth. For those seeking writing help on this topic, Google’s practices serve as a benchmark for how performance management can positively influence and, consequently, organizational success. Google’s approach demonstrates that when employees are satisfied with their jobs and committed to their organization, they are more engaged, productive, and motivated to contribute to the company’s objectives.

Overview of the Process of Improving Employees Performance

  • Identification: Underperforming employees are identified through Google’s performance review system, which includes self-assessments, peer feedback, and managerial reviews.
  • Support and Development: Once identified, Google provides support and development opportunities to help these employees improve. This may include training, mentorship, and setting clear performance goals.
  • Performance Improvement Plans: Employees who are struggling may be placed on performance improvement plans (PIPs), which outline specific goals and timelines for improvement.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Managers conduct regular check-ins with the employee to discuss progress, provide feedback, and make adjustments to the PIP as necessary.
  • Decision Making: If there is no significant improvement, Google may take further actions, which could include reassignment to a more suitable role or, as a last resort, termination of employment.

Google’s approach is to first seek ways to help employees succeed in their roles before considering dismissal. The company’s performance management system is designed to be fair and consistent, providing multiple opportunities for employees to improve their performance.

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How Does Google Handle Employee Feedback?

Google has a comprehensive approach to handling employee feedback, which is integral to its performance management system. Here’s how Google manages this process:

  • Self-Assessment: Employees are encouraged to evaluate themselves on specific criteria, reflecting on their accomplishments and areas for improvement. This introspective practice allows employees to prepare for meaningful discussions with their managers.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Google utilizes 360-degree feedback, where employees and managers select peers to provide input on the employee’s strengths, weaknesses, and contributions. This broad range of perspectives helps employees gain a well-rounded view of their performance.
  • Annual Performance Review: The performance review process at Google is split into two parts: a mid-year checkpoint and an end-of-year review. These reviews incorporate data from self-assessments and 360-degree feedback, with managers also providing ratings based on results and behaviors.
  • Monthly Check-Ins: In addition to annual reviews, Google employees have monthly meetings with their managers to discuss career development, coaching, and any personal issues. These regular interactions ensure open communication and timely attention to any concerns.
  • Googlegeist Engagement Survey: An annual survey called Googlegeist is given to all employees, where they can rate their managers and provide feedback on their experience at Google. This survey is a key tool for gauging employee sentiment and identifying areas for improvement.

Through these practices, Google ensures that employee feedback is not only heard but also acted upon, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement and high performance.

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In conclusion, Google Inc.‘s approach to performance management is a testament to the company’s commitment to fostering job commitment. By prioritizing these aspects, Google has created a workplace where employees are motivated to excel and align their personal goals with the company’s objectives. The interdependence between job satisfaction and performance management is evident in the way Google addresses underperformance, offering support and development opportunities to help employees improve, rather than resorting to immediate dismissal. This nurturing approach not only enhances productivity but also strengthens the employees’ commitment to the organization.

Furthermore, Google’s performance management system serves as a blueprint for other organizations seeking to boost productivity and organizational commitment. The company’s practices demonstrate that a well-structured performance management system can lead to a more satisfied and committed workforce. For those in need of writing help on this subject, Google’s model provides clear insights into the positive impact of such a system on both individual and organizational levels.

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Lastly, the relationship between satisfaction and organizational success at Google underscores the importance of a supportive work culture. Google’s ability to maintain a high level of job satisfaction among its employees through thoughtful performance management strategies is a key driver of its sustained organizational commitment and success. This harmonious blend of employee commitment is what sets Google apart as a leader in innovative workplace practices.

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