Free «Heart Disease in Middle Age Colombian Population» Essay Sample

Cardiovascular disease conditions are the principal causes of death in Colombia and the world as a whole. According to Gamboa et al. (2015), these diseases account for 28% of all the deaths registered in Colombia; this is a quite high figure, with the mortality rate of 152 deaths in every 100,000 people. Moreover, Colombia had 72,629 deaths from CVD in 2019, with an age-standardized CVD mortality rate of 131 per 100,000, placing it in the bottom 20% of countries when ordering from highest to lowest mortality rates. These figures highlight the ongoing challenge of managing CVD in Colombia and underscore the importance of continued research and healthcare interventions to reduce the impact of these diseases.

Main Causes of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) in Colombia

Condition Risk Factors Prevalence in Colombian Population Preventive Measures Treatment Options
Coronary Heart Disease High blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol High, especially in urban areas Healthy diet, exercise, smoking cessation Medication, surgery
Stroke Obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity Increasing, with higher rates in older adults Blood pressure control, diabetes management Medication, rehabilitation

The most affected population in Colombia is the middle-aged people who mainly suffer from heart diseases that form a part of the cardiovascular conditions. Hypertensive and ischemic heart diseases are the most prevalent ones among Latin Americans, including the Colombians (Bocchi et al., 2013). Some of the factors for the heart diseases in this population include physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and unhealthy diets (Gamboa et al., 2015). This research paper looks forward to discussing promotional health interventions through the implementation of strategies that can modify the risk factors for heart diseases among middle age Colombians.

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Overweight and Obesity

The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that overweight refers to a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9kg/m2, while obesity is characterized with BMIs of 30 kg/m2 and above (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013). Furthermore, individuals with normal weight have a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2 (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013). Many nations have been marred with the challenge of overweight and obesity that are linked to the ever-increasing prevalence of cardiac diseases. According to Yusuf et al. (2014), obesity is an independent risk factor for heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease, in addition to being a risk for diabetes and hypertension. Addressing this challenge involves the effort of the locals and their health care providers, for example, nurses. Individuals should engage themselves in the activities that reduce their weight and help them maintain a healthy weight. Such activities include the performance of regular physical exercises and the adherence to healthy and balanced diets (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013).

Overweight and Obesity in Relation to Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) in the Colombian Population

Heart Diseases Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for coronary heart disease and heart failure.
Risk Factors
  • High body mass index (BMI)
  • Increased waist circumference
  • High body fat percentage
Cardiovascular Diseases Overweight and obesity contribute to the development of CVD, including ischemic heart diseases and stroke.
Colombians The prevalence of obesity in Colombia is a growing concern, with significant impacts on the health system and CVD-related mortality rates.
Cardiovascular diseases  in Colombia The burden of heart disease in Colombia is exacerbated by high rates of overweight and obesity.

This list can serve as a starting point for a more detailed analysis or educational material on the impact of overweight and obesity on heart health in Colombia. It’s important to address these issues through public health initiatives and individual lifestyle changes to mitigate the risk of CVD.

Additionally, nurses and other health personnel should educate middle-aged Colombians about the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight and inform the population about the standard values of weight and BMI. Such a thing is important to eradicate that being overweight is a sign of good health among middle age Colombians.

Physical Inactivity

Physical inactivity is a risk factor for heart diseases since sedentary lifestyle is a cause of other risk conditions. Yusuf et al. (2014) claim that besides being a risk factor for cardiac diseases conditions, a sedentary lifestyle causes other heart disease risk factors, including hyperglycemia, obesity, and hypertension. Performing regular physical exercises helps in burning excessive calories in the body, something that further aids in the utilization of fats that could otherwise clog the coronary arteries and result in deadly cardiac diseases. As Lanas, Serón, and Lanas (2013) claim, 7.1% of the middle age Latin Americans suffer from coronary heart defects, which could be attributed to their sedentary lifestyle. Adult individuals from 18 to 65 years of age require at least 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity thrice a week, or moderate intensity aerobic exercises for not less than 30 minutes five times a week  (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013). Nurses and other health professionals should educate individuals in this population on the importance of physical exercises when it comes to cardiovascular diseases.

Conditions that Increase the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)

  • Obesity: Lack of physical activity can contribute to weight gain and obesity, which are known risk factors for heart disease.
  • Hypertension: Insufficient physical activity can result in high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart disease.
  • High Cholesterol: Without regular exercise, levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can rise, and good cholesterol (HDL) can fall, leading to the buildup of plaques in arteries.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Inactivity can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is closely linked to heart disease.

Incorporating regular physical activity into daily life is crucial for preventing these conditions and reducing the risk of CVD. The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week for adults aged 18–64 years. This can include activities like walking, cycling, or participating in sports, which can significantly improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

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Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption is a significant public health concern in Colombia, where it is associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease. The relationship between alcohol and cardiovascular health is complex, with moderate consumption potentially offering some protective benefits, while heavy drinking can lead to hypertension and cardiomyopathy. In a country where heart disease remains a leading cause of death, addressing the patterns of alcohol consumption is crucial. Public health initiatives that promote responsible drinking and educate about the risks of excessive alcohol intake are essential in reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in the Colombian population. By fostering a culture of moderation and awareness, Colombia can better manage the impact of alcohol on heart health.
Excessive alcohol consumption lead to:

Heart Diseases Chronic heavy drinking can lead to cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and an overall increased risk of coronary heart disease and heart failure.
Risk Factors Excessive alcohol intake—defined as more than 60 g/day for men and more than 40 g/day for women—can lead to hypertension, a major risk factor for heart disease.
Cardiovascular Diseases Alcohol’s effect on the cardiovascular system is complex, with some studies suggesting a J-shaped curve where moderate consumption might offer some protective benefits, while excessive consumption increases CVD risk.
Colombian People The prevalence of alcohol consumption in Colombia poses significant challenges, with behavioral risk factors like heavy drinking contributing to the country’s CVD burden.
Heart Disease in Colombia Efforts to reduce the incidence of heart disease in Colombia must address alcohol consumption as a modifiable risk factor. Public health campaigns and individual education can help mitigate this risk.

It’s important to note that while moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction compared to abstaining, the evidence is not conclusive, and excessive drinking remains a clear risk factor for CVD. Therefore, moderation and adherence to recommended guidelines are key in preventing alcohol-related heart defects.

Tobacco Consumption

Tobacco use is among the major factors for cardiovascular diseases that affect the heart. According to Lanas, Serón, and Lanas (2013), the smoking of tobacco products, such as cigarettes, causes several disease conditions, and 50% of all preventable deaths occur in smokers while half of these deaths among smokers are cardiovascular diseases. The increase in the number of smoking individuals and the amount of time, during which an individual has been smoking, are directly proportional to the likelihood of developing a heart disease as well as other cardiovascular conditions. Those who smoke also have increased levels of contracting an adverse health outcome when a cardiac disease occurs (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013). Furthermore, passive smokers are likely to get cardiovascular diseases as well. These people include the non-smoking spouses who live with their smoking partners.

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Although Colombia has tried hard enough to curb smoking to prevent the complications associated with this unhealthy behavior, its efforts are yet to bring substantial results. Despite the smoke-free campaigns and executed policies in the country, the prevalence rates of smoking of the currently smoking individuals stand at 12.8% (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013). Interventions to reduce or eliminate tobacco use among middle-aged Colombians can be performed at the individual and the population level. At the community level, health education through mass campaigns, the reduction of demand for tobacco and its products through the increase of product prices and the prohibition of selling tobacco products to the minors can help greatly (Lanas, Serón, & Lanas, 2013). Targeting the population is a role executed by the health personnel such as nurses and the government authorities. On the other hand, individuals should be encouraged to cease smoking tobacco products. Such a thing is helpful in the minimization of the risk of developing cardiac disease conditions.

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High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a prevalent condition in Colombia that significantly contributes to the nation’s cardiovascular disease burden. As a leading risk factor for heart diseases and stroke, it affects a considerable segment of the Colombian population, cutting across various demographics. The interplay of genetic predisposition and lifestyle choices, such as diet, physical activity, and tobacco use, influences the incidence of hypertension. This condition is particularly concerning because it often goes undetected until serious health issues arise. Consequently, public health initiatives aimed at promoting regular blood pressure checks, healthy eating, and active living are essential in mitigating the impact of this silent threat. By addressing high blood pressure proactively, Colombia can make strides in reducing the prevalence of heart defects and improving the overall health of its citizens.

Hypertension is a critical risk factor for heart diseases and stroke:

Heart Diseases Hypertension is a primary contributor to the development of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease and heart failure, which are prevalent health issues in Colombia.
Risk Factors The risk factors for hypertension include unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, tobacco use, and harmful use of alcohol. These behaviors lead to increased blood pressure, which can damage the heart over time.
Cardiovascular Diseases High Blood Pressure is often referred to as a ‘silent killer’ because it typically has no symptoms but leads to serious cardiovascular diseases. It’s a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among the Colombians.
Colombians Studies show a socio-economic gradient in hypertension prevalence in Colombia, with individuals of lower socio-economic status having a higher risk of suffering from high blood pressure. This disparity highlights the need for targeted public health interventions.
Heart Disease in Colombia The burden of heart disease in Colombia is exacerbated by high rates of hypertension. Addressing this risk factor through public health policies, education, and healthcare services is crucial for reducing the incidence of CVD in the country.

Managing hypertension is vital for preventing heart diseases and requires a combination of lifestyle changes, medication, and regular monitoring. Public health efforts in Colombia must continue to focus on reducing the prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors to improve cardiovascular health outcomes.


Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Colombia and the world as a whole. In Columbia, heart diseases account for a huge proportion of all the cardiovascular diseases among the middle-aged population. The only way to curb the challenge posed by cardiac disease in this population is through the identification of the risk factors for the cardiac diseases before implementing necessary health promotional interventions. Obesity is the most important risk factor that can be controlled through weight control by engaging in regular physical activities. Obesity and overweight are major risks for heart defects and, at the same time, a cause for other factors like diabetes and hypertension. Sedentary lifestyles are also a danger in addition to the use of tobacco products. The only way is for the population to abandon inactivity and cease smoking. Cessation of smoking can be promoted through mass campaigns and the restrictions on supply by increasing the prices of tobacco products.

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