Free «Discussion of Global Economics» Essay Sample

Globalization is the process in which investment and financial markets are able to operate international due to the improved communication and deregulation in the recent years (McGeehan, 2011). Globalization may be perceived as positive or negative process. Without putting people’s perception on it, globalization is still an issue of debate. Despite the increase in international trade, the state of New York has lost the ability to reap more of the benefits of globalization, especially in the year 2011. This paper seeks to address the effects of globalization in New York economy, the variability of the economy and the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

Diversified Economics of New York

New York City, often hailed as the epitome of a diversified economy, stands as a testament to the strength that comes from economic variety. Its status as a global business hub is not just a title; it’s a reflection of a complex, interwoven tapestry of industries that drive the city’s growth and resilience. From the towering skyscrapers of Wall Street to the bustling fashion showrooms of the Garment District, each sector contributes to the robustness of the city’s economy.

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The financial sector, with its stock exchanges, investment banks, and hedge funds, is the heartbeat of New York’s economy, influencing global business trends and policies. Yet, the city’s economic prowess extends far beyond finance. It is also a center for media, with major broadcasting and publishing firms influencing thought and culture worldwide. The tech industry, too, has found a vibrant home in New York, with startups and established tech giants contributing to the city’s innovative spirit.

New York’s fashion industry is another pillar of its economy. The city hosts one of the most important fashion weeks in the world, where designers, models, and brands from across the globe converge to set trends for the seasons ahead. This sector not only contributes to the city’s economic output but also enhances its cultural richness and global appeal.

Moreover, New York’s economy is bolstered by its tourism industry. Millions of visitors are drawn to the city’s landmarks, museums, theaters, and dining establishments, all of which contribute significantly to local businesses and the service sector. The city’s ability to attract global visitors is a direct result of its diverse offerings and reputation as a melting pot of cultures.

Education and healthcare also play critical roles in the city’s economy. Prestigious universities and research institutions attract students and professionals from around the world, fostering innovation and driving forward business programs designed to solve contemporary challenges. The healthcare sector, with its world-class hospitals and research facilities, not only provides care to the city’s inhabitants but also contributes to global medical advancements.

In conclusion, New York’s diversified economy is its superpower. It enables the city to withstand economic downturns and global business fluctuations better than economies that rely on a single industry. The synergy between its various sectors creates a dynamic environment where innovation thrives, and opportunities abound. As a result, New York continues to be a beacon of economic strength and diversity, setting an example for cities worldwide.

Economic Situation in New York Caused by Globalization

There have been efforts to cut down the costs by many firms in New York; this has made the firms outsource their manufacturing labor to the less developed countries since the cost of labor is low. This has resulted to the resentment on the New York citizens’ part. To add on this, most Americans do not enjoy the customer service they are exposed to, creating animosity among them, adding up to the attitude the people already have to the outsourcing. The state has been losing more manufacturing jobs than big states like Michigan. Manufacturing has decreased, leaving fewer options for New York’s high population. The issue has also triggered debate among politicians, with the presidential debates creating a platform for deliberation.

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Criminal and terrorists’ activities may have been helped by globalization. It brought the idea of allowing people and their luggage to freely travel across countries and borders. The September 11 attacks on the New York’s Twin Towers are still fresh in people’s mind. The deaths and lose of properties cost the state a lot. The economy of New York was brought down because of the tragedy. Groups with evil intentions used the opportunity brought by globalization to cause havoc.

Nevertheless, globalization has resulted in environmental degradation in New York. The need for raw materials to run the manufacturing companies has depleted the natural reserves. Pollution has negatively influenced the quality of air, which is vital for survival.

Despite being the largest economy in the world, New York and the U.S.A in general have a variable economy. There have been reckless short-term changes in the policy. The massive deficits may temporarily increase spending, including, at the same time, the risk of reduction in the value of currency, inability of the government to pay debts and citizens losing confidence in the government agencies (World Bank, 1997). It is my opinion that deficit should be allowed, especially in recession, but should maintained at minimal level.

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The government has also been reducing tax for some tax groups in the recent years. The available tax revenue is already low to meet the government expenditure on the health, education and infrastructure. In addition to this, inflation, deflation and financial crisis in Europe have added up to the factors that cause the US economy to be variable. There are many business dealings with the European countries; hence the financial crisis indirectly affects the country.

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane sandy is one of the adverse disasters that rocked New York and the USA as a country. Hurricane Sandy, dubbed a super storm, was a stark reminder of the power of nature and its capacity to disrupt lives and economies. Striking New York in October 2012, Sandy caused catastrophic damage that resonated through every layer of the city’s fabric. The impact of flooding was unprecedented, submerging streets, paralyzing subways, and cutting power in a city that never sleeps.

In anticipation of the hurricane, all schools, offices, restaurants and shopping malls were closed. Transport services, such as airlines flights, were suspended. The New York Stock Exchange was also closed down in anticipation of the weather changes. The storm was destructive and destroyed many properties and lots of lives were lost. There was an additional spending in settling the displaced families, and salvaging the few items left. The New York Marathon was also cancelled, which is also a major tourist attraction and source of revenue for New York City. To add on this, the closure of retail stores negatively influenced sales and, consequently, the stores’ profit. The economic impact was staggering, with costs running into the tens of billions, making it one of the costliest storms in U.S. history.

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Here’s a detailed look at the key points:

Damage Analysis

The economic impact of Hurricane Sandy was profound, with an estimated $65 billion in damages. The impact of flooding on critical infrastructure crippled transportation systems and disrupted utilities, leading to significant economic losses for businesses and distress for residents. The storm’s aftermath exposed the vulnerability of global business hubs to natural disasters, underscoring the need for resilient urban planning and disaster preparedness.

Attributing the Rise in Sea Levels to Climate Factors

The severity of super storms like Sandy is increasingly linked to anthropogenic climate change. Rising sea levels, a consequence of melting polar ice and warming oceans, amplify the impact of flooding during such events. This attribution to climate change is crucial in understanding the heightened risks faced by coastal cities and in advocating for sustainable environmental policies.

Advancements in Predictive Flood Simulation

In the wake of Sandy, advanced flood modeling has become a cornerstone in urban planning and risk assessment. These models are instrumental in designing business programs and financial solutions to mitigate the risks of future flooding. By predicting flood patterns and assessing potential damage, cities can implement measures to protect infrastructure and communities, ultimately reducing the economic impact of similar events.

The legacy of Hurricane Sandy is a sobering lesson in the reality of climate change and the importance of proactive measures to safeguard against the impact of flooding. It has prompted a reevaluation of how cities can adapt to and mitigate the effects of super storms, ensuring a more resilient future for urban centers worldwide.

Assessing the Prolonged Economic Consequences of Super Storm Sandy Proves Challenging

The long-term economic impact of Hurricane Sandy is a labyrinthine subject that defies simple quantification. The super storm not only inflicted immediate, tangible damages but also set in motion a cascade of economic repercussions that rippled through the fabric of New York’s global business community. The impact of flooding on infrastructure led to substantial repair costs and impeded commerce, while the disruption to businesses resulted in lost revenue and employment challenges.

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The economic impact of Hurricane Sandy is discernible in the altered trajectory of economic growth. In the storm’s wake, businesses had to reassess their continuity plans, and many were forced to invest in financial solutions to bolster their resilience against future disasters. This shift in focus towards sustainability and preparedness has become a critical component of business programs in the region.

Moreover, the super storm served as a catalyst for discussions on climate change and its role in exacerbating the impact of flooding. The need for adaptive measures has led to an increased emphasis on sustainable development and climate change mitigation strategies. This has prompted a reevaluation of zoning laws, building codes, and investment in flood defenses, all of which carry significant economic implications.

In the broader context, the economic impact of Hurricane Sandy extends to the city’s global business reputation. The storm highlighted the vulnerabilities of even the most developed urban centers to natural catastrophes, prompting a global dialogue on urban planning and disaster readiness. The impact of flooding from Hurricane Sandy has thus become a benchmark for assessing the resilience of business capitals around the world.

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In conclusion, the economic impact of Hurricane Sandy is multifaceted and enduring. It encompasses not only the direct costs of damage and recovery but also the indirect effects on business practices, regulatory frameworks, and global business perceptions. As such, the super storm stands as a stark reminder of the need for proactive engagement with the challenges posed by climate change and the impact of flooding.

Super Storm Sandy’s Enduring Lesson: Enhanced Awareness and Preparedness for Floods

The super storm Sandy’s legacy extends beyond the immediate devastation it wrought; it has significantly heightened flood awareness and preparedness. The impact of flooding from such catastrophic events has led to a reevaluation of how cities and businesses respond to natural disasters. Here’s an elaboration on this legacy:

  • Impact of Flooding: The widespread destruction caused by Sandy underscored the need for robust flood defenses and emergency response strategies. The impact of flooding on infrastructure and communities has catalyzed advancements in flood prediction and protection measures.
  • Anthropogenic Climate Change: Sandy has been a wake-up call, illustrating the real-world consequences of anthropogenic climate change. It has intensified discussions on how human activities contribute to extreme weather patterns and what can be done to mitigate these effects.
  • Global Business: The super storm has prompted global business leaders to incorporate climate resilience into their strategic planning. Companies are now more aware of the risks posed by climate change and are investing in financial solutions to safeguard their assets and operations.
  • Financial Solutions: In the aftermath of Sandy, a range of financial solutions have been developed. These include insurance products tailored to the economic impact of flooding and investment in infrastructure designed to withstand future super storms.
  • Economic Impact: The long-term economic impact of Sandy has been profound, influencing policy decisions and urban planning. Investments in flood prevention and disaster preparedness are seen as essential to mitigating the economic impact of future super storms.

The super storm Sandy has indeed left a legacy of better flood awareness. It has changed the way cities, businesses, and individuals think about and prepare for the impact of flooding, marking a shift towards a more resilient approach in the face of climate change. This heightened awareness is crucial for the development of effective strategies to protect against the devastating effects of future super storms.

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Navigating Post-Sandy Reconstruction: Choosing Locations to Circumvent Future Flood Threats

In the aftermath of a super storm like Sandy, New York faces the daunting task of rebuilding in a manner that not only repairs but also fortifies against future calamities. The city’s approach to reconstruction is not just about restoration; it’s about reimagining urban resilience in the face of anthropogenic climate change and its associated impact of flooding.

The economic impact of such disasters is profound, affecting everything from local businesses to global business networks. Therefore, the strategies for rebuilding must include financial solutions that support sustainable redevelopment and incentivize innovations in disaster-proof infrastructure.

Moreover, the economic impact of super storms extends to the real estate market, insurance industry, and investment sectors, all of which must adapt to the new realities of climate-related risks. It’s a complex interplay of economic forces that requires a forward-thinking approach to urban planning and business strategy.

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In essence, the real question of rebuilding after a super storm is not just where to go, but how to go about it. The solutions lie in a multifaceted approach that considers the long-term implications of climate change and seeks to create an urban environment that can thrive in the face of future challenges.


In conclusion, globalization, government policies and hurricane Sandy have made the economy of New York unstable. The government should undertake measures to eliminate the negative effects of globalization, which are inevitable to avoid. The New York disaster preparedness and management should also be put on check. There should be a constant review of the policies to adjust to the ever-changing global world (Petras, 2001).

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